Level 1 Lesson 8.5.2 Mapping Options I have are not correct _ not matching the lesson plan

When I try to import data into REV01 Price Book and come to the Mapping dialog, what I see is not matching what was shown in the lesson plan.   I have uploaded a picture of my incorrect view as well as a picture from the lesson plan.


Can someone help me figure out where I have gone wrong in the set up?

Mapping Options I should see taken from Lesson Material.PNG

Mapping Options not correct.PNG



  • @CommunityMember87446 


    It looks like you are in blueprint mode of the module, when you should be in regular/ normal mode, then you can import the data required


    Blueprint view is when you want to import line items in the module.







  • @CommunityMember87446 


    It looks like you are blueprint view of the module, but need to be in regular/normal view.


    Try this later view then import the data.



  • Thanks Ravinder.   However, I am indeed in a Module import where I have encountered this problem, not a list.  Laura

  • Awesome !    That was the issue - fixed now.   Thanks for your support Ravinder.