LM1B 9.2.6
carryforward problem
Formula is correct. What error are you getting?
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5.00% is not getting carryforwarded0
this screenshot is part of activity, where unit price growth % has a formula
Here, there is no formula . So shd i add a formula? formula from REV04 did not get carryforwarded to rev03
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can u please check, I changed the formulas
the value 5.00% is not getting carryforwarded
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What are the 2 formulas in full for unit price growth % and unit cost growth %?
Remember you should input a % in price growth module for a detail value eg US and chocolates, and see the 5% in the price growth staging module in the related values, and see the 5% in the margin calc module; only in yr 20 or 21
Thank you
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Here are the for formulas:
tried all of it , not able carryforward it to REV03
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Hey, I am facing the same issue, please let me know if it was resolved for you