Incorrect chunk counts using API


We are getting incorrect chunk counts using API{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/files


We are trying to export ~1GB file from Anaplan production model, which is ~100 chunks. But from last week, we are getting random chunk counts for all export processes across all models (incomplete chunk counts 50, 60 randomly). We made a change after this issue to add sleep time in python code after posting task, we are able to get full chunk counts after 3 minutes sleep time.


Sometimes, we are getting correct chunk count of 100 but getting 404 error (chunk not available) after processing couple of chunks e.g. after processing 36th chunk we get below error:{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/files/{fileID}/chunks/37


 "status": {
        "message""Not Found"
anyone facing these issues from Sep 8th? please let me know if anyone applied any fix for this
