Level 1 Import settings for Modules and Lists?

Is there someplace that shows what you need to have in each section for importing to lists and modules so I can attempt it several times and then find where I am wrong by checking what is right? 

I feel I am wasting an inordinate amount of my learning time trying to figure out by brute force, checking for people who have gotten help in Community and rebuilding everything from ground up several times. I realize some could cheat but it would show up in tests. 

The time and frustration I am getting from having to do things multiple times and still coming up wrong is not helping me progress in my learning.






  • @MPW280 

    Hang in there. Perfectly normal to feel challenged with imports and mapping, it happens to us all. One thing that helped me to think about import mapping is this. Anaplan needs to only know two things when it comes to mapping.

    • Where in the import file are the lists, including time?
    • Where in the import file are the values for the line items?

    For the most part, import files are columnar, meaning each of the columns represents a list value or they may represent the different line items. That's why we almost always choose column headers for the line items. Every now and then we get a file where the list items are the column headers, like with the time hierarchy. In that case, we have to assign all the values (fixed) to one line item.

    Practice is the key. You got this!

  • 1. Importing to a numbered list - don't forget that the name should not be mapped (1st mapping box), and you will need to use a code or combination of properties to define unique items for the list.

    2. Delimiters - in Europe ";" is the default file separator and "," the decimal separator.  The training files are set up in US\UK format so European learners will need to make sure that they change these each time to "," for the file delimiter and "." for the decimal separator

    3. Dates - make sure that you check the date mapping for both system time and line items being imported.  As well as making sure you have the "mask" correctly selected (y-m-d, d-m-y etc) you will also need to ensure that the language of the month names is set correctly.  This will default to your browser's regional settings, to import the files you will need to change the month names to English.


  • @MPW280 


    Just created a video for you and see if this helps






    Miz Logix