Sprint 3 Questions

Hi , 
Facing an issue with the below mentioned ask Shipping Line Items

  • Shipping Method: Show the standard shipping method for the SKU. 
  • Shipping Time Weeks: Show the shipping time associated with the shipping method.
Line Item: Shipping Method
Line Item: Shipping Time Weeks
 I have used the below mentioned formula for the Ist Q 
'SYS07 Distribution Center Details'.Default Shipping[LOOKUP:'SYS08 SKU Details'.Distribution Center,LOOKUP:'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product Family]
But not getting the desired result 
Thank you


  • Hi @BapinB 

    You formula is partially correct.

    The dimensions of the Target Module i.e INV01 Inventory Ordering Module is P3 SKU.

    The dimensions of the Source Module i.e the module which contains shipping method information is SYS07 Distribution Centre Details is S G3 Location: Distribution Centre?


    You have selected the source module line item correctly in the formula and since the dimensions between source and target are different, you have used lookup function. That's also fine.

    And for lookup function we need mapping of Target List and Source List formatted Line Item i.e 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Distribution Centre. That's it.
    Just remove SYS08 SKU Details'.Product Family from the formula and your job would be done.


    Thank you

    Meda Ganesha Manikanta

    Matasma Digital Technologies