LEVEL 3 Subsidiary view

edited January 2023 in Academy Discussions

Dear Members , 

I have done the following as shown in the screen shot . 


Is this Correct ? If no/yes , why ? 


For subsidiary view for 

Location : has taken (G3 Distribution center list  )--- Is this correct ? or should I Take ( G3 location list )


Need Guidance in this regard


Thank you 





Best Answer


  • jagadishdash
    edited November 2022

    Hey @BapinB ,

    G3 location list you take, And formula for demand you put SUm with distribution center is wrong. you just need to refer the final forecast from DEM03 module.


    Hope it helps.


    Jagadish Dash

  • BapinB
    edited November 2022

    Thanks Jagdish , 


    So I need to put this :


    'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast ( Attached also the Screen shot ) 


    Is this correct ? 

  • BapinB
    edited November 2022

    Thank You