Formatting options in UX

edited December 2022 in User Experience

Hello, Is there a way to hide the row header for a table on the UX page? Or format the header in white font?

I can't make the header column any smaller or hide it as in Mgmt Reporting.


  • nikmg
    edited December 2022

    HI @neeti,


    Anaplan Reports do provide the flexibility to control your row and column header formats.

    Here is a similar table with line items without indents placed on rows.


    You can  format the font color of your row headers to match the table background and your row headers are now invisible.




    You can learn more about it here 

    Set the style of row and column headers - Anaplan Technical Documentation




  • neeti
    edited December 2022

    @nikmg the table formatting options are only available for Reports right? I'm looking for an option on a grid on my Board page

  • nikmg
    edited December 2022

    HI @neeti,


    We do not have the feature to format the headers themselves in Boards/Worksheets yet.


    Do you have line items in rows? If yes, you can try either of these options while retaining the custom views in NUX.

    1. It appears a Style [that provides no indentation] is applied to the line items spilling out in your screenshot. A quick fix would be to revert to a normal style. With this the spillovers will disappear.
    2. If however, you have to provide a style for the line item [say, it is used for another table], you can consider using Summary 3 that would highlight/bolden the line item with indentation [which solves the current issue as well]
      • nikmg_0-1671437180434.png


    However, if you have a dimension in your rows or have line items there and want to retain your current line item style itself, you might have to recreate this as a saved view from the backend module, apply row label width of 6px [lowest possible] first.



    Now publish this view on to your boards/worksheets.

    The con here being you lose the conditional formatting benefits that custom views offers in NUX.



  • Unfortunately neither of these work because I need LiSs in rows. The column width trick only works for dashboards, not new UX. Thanks for replying though.