Lesson 6.6.4
My module looks identical to the example, except for one additional "YTD" column. Can someone advise how to get rid of that additional column?
Best Answers
Hello Francesco,
The YTD is defined in the Time tab, under summaries you will find that you can define all the summaries that you want to have active in your model (i.e., quarters, half year...)
If you untick there, it will disappear.
Kind regards,
Bruno Rodriguez
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Thank you!
my time xetting is not comig similar to the **** shown in there
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Hello @Yogendrsingh5july,
Please check the Time tab and select the correct timeframe you want for the module. I believe you have selected only FY24. Make sure you are selecting the desired time period (FY23 or FY25) in the Time tab.
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Hey @shivanandhonnalli Can you help me her, i am trying to change the format here to percentage, 2 decimal and summary to formula but the ok button becomes unclickable once i do that.
this is what i am aiming to achieve
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Hey @Yogendrsingh5july ,
First write the formula for Margin% and change the summary to Formula, it will work.
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it worked thank you