Level 2 - Sprint 1 Activity Create Import Distribution Center Details Saved View


For the SYS07 Location Details I believe we need to have some formula to populate this table. This is a little tougher because these are flat lists that are not linked via hierarchy. Can anyone guide me help how to generate the country, region and distrubtion center in SYS07 ?


  • Hello @akrem ,

    You should have a file that can be imported into SYS07. I think it was called "Locations.csv" and you should be able to identify each Location with its code populating the other items as column headers.


    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez

  • Hello,

    It worked partially, is there a way to get it to update based on code instead of updating Country Flat list ?


    Item not located in Country Flat list: Canada

    Item not located in Country Flat list: Mexico

    Item not located in Country Flat list: Brazil

    Item not located in Country Flat list: Brazil

    Item not located in Country Flat list: UK


  • Hello again!

    it seems like your Country list was not properly populated. Have a look back at the import to ensure that all the items are being added to the list.


    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez

  • after completing all the task in S07 Location details use this filter as showed in the screenshot and then save it.
