Postman API connection to model



I'm having a bit of trouble authorizing my connection to model in postman. i'm using the official anaplan collection setup. From what I understand first I go to Create an Authentication Token (Basic). I change authorization type to basic auth, type my username and pw and send the request. That gives me back token values. I copy tokenvalue between brackets into variables under official anaplan collection, anaplan_auth_token. anaplan_auth_token has initial and current value, I imagine it stories value from previous query, I just replace them both for simplicity sake. workspaceid and modelid are also filled by me.

Am I supposed to change int_v2_base_url to something else as well?

For example Get List user models gives me:


    "status": {

        "code": 401,

        "message": "Not Authenticated."



My end goal is to get to the export I have created, I imagine exportid will be listed by one of the methods in the collection, but not exactly sure which is it.

Hope that's through enough explanation


  • milosz

    Update, I've copied over tokenID instead to the anaplan_auth_token, now I get responses for "List of user models" "Retrieve your user". But retrieving list of exports for example doesnt work and gives following error:


        "status": {

            "code": 404,

            "message": "Not Found"


        "path": "/2/0/workspaces/{{workspaceId}}/models/{{modelId}}/exports/",

        "timestamp": "2023-03-01T13:09:55.724033Z"
