How to Auto-hide line items

I have a table which include value from Q1 FY21 to Q4 FY23 as line items, and want to hide which the value is 0. But when I use filter on line item will hide other line items like KPI Name (it is TXT format). How can I hide these line items which value is 0 and does impact other no number format line item? Thanks!


  • Hi @CommunityMember131816 ,

    While there is no easy way to filter lineitems when there is a mix of numeric and non-numeric types, I'd like to know why you have quarters as lineitems, instead of using native or custom time dimension. This is not a scalable solution as the lineitems have to be updated with time.

    On the other hand, Synchronized scrolling is a great feature that we can leverage, by splitting your module into two grids, one with non-numeric lineitems and the other with numeric ones (or those dimensioned by time).

    If the requirement is around number formatted lineitems alone, lineitem subsets could have been another way to apply filters.


  • Hi Ajay

    Thanks for your reply. YES! I have 2 grids. One is by time (Q1 FY21, Q2 FY21..) and another one has no time as dimiension. To improve the usability I need combine the two grids together, then just show the quarter which the value is not zero with other TXT formatted line items.

  • HimanshuRaj
    edited March 2023

    Hi @CommunityMember131816

    In that case, as @AjayM mentioned, you can use line item subset or the below mentioned steps:

    1. Create a Total line item to sum all numbers, and a filter line item and apply below formula. “Total<> 0”. This way you can use this line item to apply filter on your view and hide “0” items

    Hope, this resolves your issue. Cheers!!

  • Hi Himanshu1998,

    Thanks for your reply. But can I hide the line item which value is 0? For example under Q1 FY21 all 4 facories has no amount, I want to hide Q1 FY21 only.

  • HimanshuRaj
    edited March 2023

    Hi @CommunityMember131816

    As of now, there is no feature to achieve this in grid view I believe if text and numbers are combined in one report, although you can achieve the same report you want by making an export action.

    I'd recommend putting this into “Idea Exchange” section so that Anaplan can build this in their future udpates.
