Import filter by user


We are updating a spoke model from our data hub daily, and I need to enable end users to individually update the spoke model for their specific list member (property) only. Currently, imports from the data hub are running daily into staging modules. Now I need a way to allow different users to run a process to import from those staging modules that's filtered by their selected property. Multiple users will be doing this concurrently.

In researching, I think a 'Current User' line item could be the solution. Dimensioning the property selection line item by users, and then doing a lookup on the current users line item to build the filter boolean. Similar to Rob Marshall's documentation here:

In this example, the user must be manually updated which I want to avoid. Is this possible? If a different methodology would work better, I'm all for it.

Please let me know if more information is needed.



  • @DavidHunter

    I hate to say this, but I think the above solution will cause more issues than you currently realize.

    First, you really don't want people updating data in the spoke models from the hub because now you will need to give them access to the hub. You already have data being loaded from the hub to the spoke models daily, are you updating the hub multiple times throughout the day as well?

    Second, if multiple users are doing this, and as you said concurrently, then they are going to block the model and cause concurrency issues in the spoke model. Just a question, but why are they needing to load the data more often than once per day?

    Lastly, instead of using users, which will explode the size if you have a large number of users defined in the spoke/hub models, think about selective access instead. If you have selective access enabled, then the user will only be able to load data they are authorized for.

  • Hey @rob_marshall

    For some additional context this is for a budgeting model. Sorry for the bit of confusion on who is using the hub/spokes. For this specific issue, all the needed data is pulled into a module within the spoke daily, then pulled into the correct staging modules by property. We can't fully automate this process because the budget will change every time new data is imported.

    Goals are to: avoid access to the data hub, allow end users to update historic actuals for their property only, and remove the need for tickets/manual intervention by our team when someone wants to load the most recent historic data.

    End users won't be doing this daily, but we will have 15-20 people doing it concurrently during workshops at various times. We want to avoid a single pick list for the entire model to prevent user A from selecting a property, then user B changing that picklist value before user A runs the process.

    You mentioned selective access, are you saying have end user A run a process to update every property and let all the locations they don't have access to error out?

  • @DavidHunter

    The selective access will only update what they have access to. That is the good news, the bad news it will update all members they have access to. A couple of questions:

    • if the data that is imported is updated actuals, how is that impacting the budget data?
    • why are people updating historic actuals?
      "Goals are to: avoid access to the data hub, allow end users to update historic actuals for their property only,…"
    •  if you have 15-20 people running this process, you will be locking the system. This is the main reason for Planual Rule 5.01-03
  • @rob_marshall

    The selective access solution may not work then, as we have many users will regional access, or people who manage multiple properties.

    1: Many of our calculations are derived from prior year actuals such as T12 average plus a % growth. Adding an additional couple months of data will impact those calculations.

    2: Our users begin the budget process in August, and complete in December. Many times there are large planned expenses in that time frame that need to be captured in the next years budget. Also, we have floorplan (chlidren of the properties) rents that constantly fluctuate. Our users want a way to pull the most recent rents on demand.

    3: Not sure how to address this issue. We hold workshops with end users to get everyone in one place and work through the app while our Anaplan & Ops resources are available to help as needed.

    It's sound more and more like there isn't a good solution to what we're trying to accomplish. Perhaps the answer is a single picklist and addressing the above issue in person.