How can we import data from one version to another version in a same module?
I have custom version list having Version 1 , Version 2 …. etc. I have a system module dimension with version list and fron there I am checking the Boolean "Copy From?" and "Copy To" based on the selection I want to import from version 1 to version 2 or vice versa. I have created the saved views but facing problem in mapping the version based on selection . How can we acheive that?
Best Answer
Hello Arnab,
I believe that you have two options:
- Apply a filter to the version from and define the mapping to as "Ask each time the import is run".
- Manually define where to as a fixed item, which means that whatever is filter as "Copy from" will always go into that version.
If what you are after is applying a filter to the target, I believe it will not work.
I hope the above makes sense.
Kind regards,
Bruno Rodriguez
Hi Arnab,
You would need a staging module for achieving this. Use COPY FROM as a filter to create saved view for copying data from. Import this data into a staging module that doesn't have version dimension.
And then using COPY TO boolean, fetch data from staging module to actual module into a different lineitem ("copied data") for target version while data of remaining versions should come from original lineitem.
Now using a different action, you can import data from "copied data" lineitem into original lineitem.Hope this gave you an idea.