Hyper Links and sending mail,


Quick question, not sure why this item is not displaying as a clickable link.


I was checking the mailto function, I am looking for the capability to click on an email as a link, and maybe an outlookprompt would open and let the user type their issue, is that a posibility? I see that it just let you create mails for automatic delivery, without the users typing anything.


  • BrunoRodriguez
    edited April 2023

    Hello @JosAngel94,

    Mailto is really straightforward, something as the below would work:

    • MAILTO("text to display as name", 'Recepient email, 'CC', 'BCC', "Title", "Email Body")
    • MAILTO("Click to notify Stakeholders", 'User 1', 'User 2 ', 'User 2 ', "Title", "Hello, Please review the submission")

    Note that it is expecting text entries rather than items dimensioned as "Users". However, it is quite flexible given that you can create dynamic emails for specific items (i.e., the name of the item in a list that you are making reference can be selected from your dashboard selector).

    As for MAKELINK, it could be clearer perhaps if you want to format a line item a text and within the selection you select Link. It would ask you to populate the Name and the Link in a pop-up window.

    Find further reference about both here:




    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez