Need a filter toggle to show data for all 12 months or only the year

Hi I need a filter to toggle between showing all 12 months of data from jan to december or just the FY data essentially to show hide columns.
I have been trying for a while and am not sure how to do this

for example show only fy22 or all 12 months like in the screenshot above

Best Answer

  • HimanshuRaj
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Avanish123

    You can do following:

    1. Create 1st module with year as dimension and 2 boolean line item - Show Months? and Show Years?
    2. Create 2nd module with year as dimension and 3 boolean line items - Months?, Years? & Final?
    3. Months? and Final? line items - change timescale to months so they become a subsidiary view.
    4. In Months? line item - formula: Yearvalue(show months from 1st module)
    5. In Years? line item - formula: just refer it from 1st module
    6. In Final? line item - formula: Months? OR Years?

    1st module line items will be selected by users as input and 2nd module "final?" line item will be used as filter for the module. You can also include user dimension in both the modules to make it user specific
