Import complete with failures

Hello everyone,
I'm in need of assistance with a problem I'm facing. I have a module where I enter data (Product, Quantity). Everything was fine until I used the time dimension(Periode, Product and Quantity). However, the results are not accurate. Instead of giving me the quantity of Product X in January, it gives me the total : sum quantity of all products in January. I have already changed the summary to "none," but the issue persists. Please refer to the attached picture for more details.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answers

  • HimanshuRaj
    Answer ✓

    Hi @SAtrane

    It is because of your time mapping, you are using "Janv-23" and asking anaplan to map it to "M-Y" format.

    Anaplan can map "Jan-23" to "M-Y" format. You need to remove v from your time list.


  • HimanshuRaj
    Answer ✓

    Hi @SAtrane

    Can you also share the mapping tab screenshot


  • Hi @Himanshu1998

    I followed your recommendation, but unfortunately, it didn't resolve the issue. I have attached some pictures for further clarification.

  • andrewtye
    edited April 2023

    Hi @ - decimel separator? Should be dot not comma I would think.

    Also what does the file look like before loading? It might be to do with how anaplan is seeing the data.

  • hi @Himanshu1998

    Attached is the mapping table screen you requested. However, the problem still persists.

  • hi @andrewtye

    Thank you for your response. I believe the source table may not be the issue as it is an Excel file that I converted to CSV format.

  • Hi @SAtrane

    Have you changed the time mapping tab settings here? Language to francais? This could possibly be causing issue. You should reset it back to english(or what it was earlier) and then try again


  • Hi @Himanshu1998

    I followed your recommendation, but unfortunately, the probleme still persist. I have attached some pictures for further clarification.