Integration data between Anaplan and SFTP file

Do you know about integration data between SFTP (Filezila) to Anaplan?

I want to import data from SFTP file to Anaplan.


  • Hi @adisulyadi ,

    I think you can able to achieve this with the help of Anaplan Connect.

    Write a batch script to export the file from SFTP and load the file in Anaplan with the batch script.

    Sample code:
    @echo off

    REM Set the path to the Anaplan Connect executable
    set ANAPLAN_CONNECT_PATH=C:\Anaplan\AnaplanConnect\AnaplanConnect.bat

    REM Set the SFTP connection details
    set SFTP_PORT=22
    set SFTP_USER=myusername
    set SFTP_PASSWORD=mypassword
    set SFTP_REMOTE_DIR=/path/to/remote/directory
    set SFTP_FILE_NAME=MySFTPFile.csv

    REM Set the Anaplan import action ID
    set IMPORT_ACTION_ID=123456789

    REM Set the name of the import file as defined in Anaplan
    set IMPORT_FILE_NAME=MyImportFile.csv

    REM Set the path to the directory where the import file will be saved
    set IMPORT_FILE_DIR=C:\Anaplan\ImportFiles

    REM Download the file from SFTP to the local directory
    if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
    echo Error downloading file from SFTP
    exit /b 1

    REM Execute the Anaplan import action using Anaplan Connect

    REM Exit the script with a success status
    exit /b 0

    Hope this helps :).


  • Hello @adisulyadi,

    Just to add to the above, I believe you have a few options on the table:

    1. Download the file and then import it from your desktop / sharepoint using a similar code to the share above or other more convoluted alternatives.
    2. Automate a cloud connection between Azure/AWS/Google Cloud and Filezila and schedule and import directly from the cloud into your model every X amount of time using Cloudworks.

    Hope that makes sense!


    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez