How to Count the recurring combinations of List Members
I want to Count the recurring combinations of Time, Employee, Project and Fund but the issue is that the List is too big to use Sum function, I need some other means as I cannot even create a TRID for it due to lot of List Members and also I am unable to create a Staging Module or anything like that to do the task. I want to avoid Text as much as possible. Please advice. I cannot use any Action or Process to do it as it needs to be real-time update.
@BrunoRodriguez Thankyou for your reply I tried using the RANK function with TRID instead as RANKCUMULATE function wanted RANK as an argument and you will be happy to know that I achieved what I wanted. Thankyou so much for your help. I did it using ISFIRSTOCCURENCE on TRID before your reply and it worked just fine for me. You advise whether I should change it to RANK or shall I keep it the way it is as ISFIRSTOCCURENCE lets me use less line items to achieve the desired outcome and also being BOOLEAN it should be Performance friendly as per the Planual. But I will really like to know your views on the same.
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Kind regards,
Bruno Rodriguez