A conversation with Jared Dolich — Journey | Anaplan Community Podcast
Cinnamon toothpicks? What?
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I was planning on "listening/watching" this in a couple days, but @andrewtye you now have me wondering what cinnamon toothpicks have to do with anything, let alone Anaplan… so I'm going to watch this episode now!
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@EricS The cinnamon toothpicks is in my write-up above!!
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@andrewtye @EricS @GingerAnderson
Hahaha. Yeah, we're going back to 1982 when it was cool in high school to have a toothpick in your mouth. So I had the idea to dip them in cinnamon oil and sell them 10 for 25 cents. I made a ton of money. However, it didn't come without some drama. My dad despises cinnamon and I accidently spilled some in the garage one day. Needless to say, my father handed me a mop and a bunch of cleaning supplies (which I had to pay for) and insisted it be returned to a more rustic, dead-leaf and stinky grass kind of smell. I made up for the profit loss by using mint, lemon, and cherry oil flavors. But cinnamon was always the most popular. The start to a wonderful retail career..
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@JaredDolich Early business lesson — there will always be the haters, LOL! Love that story!
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@GingerAnderson good point! How ironic. To have a vision/passion for something, like in my case, retail + anaplan, there will invariably be people that don't like what I'm doing. But, I really strive for harmony. I just want to help people reach their potential. And yet, through perseverance to these dreams, the drama has followed me everywhere. Yeah, even toothpicks back to 1982. I got the staff at Southeast High School in Lincoln, Nebraska up in arms about whether they should allow me to sell candy at school. Well, the principal was on my side, but two or three teachers had a different idea.. Now, that's a change agent!
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Thank you, @JaredDolich for your insightful contribution. Your story and expertise in the Anaplan Space is truly inspiring, especially for those of us who are relatively new to this field.
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What a great interview!