How to spread a cost from a father to his son in the hierarchy?
Hi all,
I am having a hard time spreading costs along the hierarchy. My hierarchy is composed this way:
- BU responsible
- BU
- R&D project
What I am trying to do is to spread a general cost across each BU using a driver and then to spread that BU cost again across its R&D projects using a second driver. The drivers need to be input by the user, so they can change.
I managed to complete the distribution of costs for each BU, but when I try to do the same thing for the R&D projects I come across the mismatch dimension error no matter how I try to tackle the problem.
I leave some screenshots of the modules I built.
Last one is my calculation module where you can see that I tried to make the "cost per prj" line item apply to a different list from the others, but nonetheless it does not seem to solve the issue.
Thanks in advance,
Love this use case. You might consider storing your costs for the BU and BU responsible in their respective system modules (DISCO). Then you can take the R&D project percentage times the cost in the parent system module. So something like this: SYS01.BU Cost * R & D Driver. When it comes to allocation you can also use the same method to generate percentages, or % to Total. It's going to be important to use conditional formatting or some validation technique to make sure those R&D driver percentages add up to 100%.
Looking good!