List Formatted Line Item-Dependent Drop Down

edited June 2023 in Modeling


I have a line item which is list formatted, wherein end user selects a list item.

List: R3 Category List:
List Items
Semi Important
with a top level item "All Categories".

Problem: User is also able to select "All Categories", which is actually a top level item and should not be the case.

I know there is an option to remove top level using dependent dropdown for some reason the option is greyed out:

Thanks for the help.


Best Answer

  • HimanshuRaj
    Answer ✓

    @Sachinsourav02 You also need to create a new line item in your module that will be populated with "Selection" formula. In your screenshot, I can't see that line item.



  • @Sachinsourav02 You need to make a dependent dropdown logic for this list by making a property within that list .

    Then, dependent dropdown will get enabled


  • @Himanshu1998

    Thanks for you response.

    Unfortunately it did not work. In fact this is a bit strange, I have another list created long time back where in dependent dropdown is working in Module A however when i'm using the same list in another new module i'm not getting the same option for dependent drop down.

    Also, here's the example of me trying to create a new property for List

    after creation in the module: