Synching data on dashboard of line items
In 1 module I am having 2 line items 1 contains parent data and the other contains child data I want to show in the dashboard Hierarchical combination for those 2 line items. like if I click on India then it will show states in India and if I click on Canada then it will show states in Canada
Please help me how I can sync this data?
@SupriyaH As per my understanding you have 2 list country(parent) and state and in your Module the dimension is state list. You can try creating a line item(format:country list) in the system module(with no dimension) and put filter according to the selection of this line item. I have created this scenario below
here i have created 2 list country and parent
Then i have create a module with state as dimension and put one extra line item for filtering by country
One system module(no dimension) i had created for selecting country with one line item(format country)
i had put a filter in such a way that which country is selected in the System module that country's state data will get be filtered. You can refer formula below.
filter is
just publish the main module and line item in system module as page selector.