Circular Reference Issue

Hi Anaplan,

Is there a workaround on circular reference issue?. I'm doing a calculation on the Profit Line Item which is:

But am getting a circular reference when adding the VOD Cost line item in the formula. The VOD Cost line item references also the VOD Revenue line item, which I've screenshot below.

Is there a workaround to correct this issue?


  • You can create a duplicate line item which can be used for calculations.

  • Here Because you have to refer line item for same time period, so we can't use LAG,LEAD, OFFSET to overcome circular reference. So better approach will be to have another line item where VOD Revenue line item referred by VOD Cost, should change it reference to New VOD Revenue Line item, where the same data from VOD revenue can be imported to new VOD Revenue line item, so its like involving import Action step (Cons-which do makes it less dynamic) or you can have daisy chaining, where one line item refer another and that another refer other.. to bridge common gap.

  • Thanks very much @rishi8118 and @Kamlendra your responses where really helpful.