How to calculate response target time and Resolution target time


I'm trying to calculate the Reponse target time and Resolution target time for a request by the end user.

In that module I already have:

Creation date, format Date → the day when end user will raise the request → will be filled manually

Creation hour, format number → the time when end user will raise the request →→ will be filled manually

Priority: if the response time is 2 hours, then p1, if the response time is 8 hours is P2

Response target time hour, format number → at what time will close the ticket

Resolution target time day, format date. → in which day will close the ticket

I want to calculate Response target time and Resolution target time day that should take in a consideration if it's working day and if the request has been received between business hours (9-18)

Example 1: if the creation hour is 5:30 PM on Friday, and I have P1 like priority, then the response target time should be on Monday, next week at 10:30 AM.

Exmaple 2: if the creation hour is 10 AM on Monday, and I have P1 like priority, then the response target time should be on Monday, same day at 12:00 PM

Example 3: if the creation hour is 15 PM on Monday, and I have P2 like priority, then the response target time should be on Tuesday, next day at 13:00 PM

Do you have any advices?

Thank you,

