Use combined lists ou other parent child relation?

[Context Demand Planning for school books]
I have 5 lists:

  • SKU (Book) - e.g:5858595
  • Subject - e.g. Maths
  • School Year - e.g 5º Grade
  • Type of Subject (Mandatory/Not Mandatory)

Theoretically, each subject has two parents: The type of subject and the school year. Since it is not possible I thought of 2 possible designs:

  1. A simple child parent relationship
    Sku > Subject > School year

    - There are subjects that are common to more than one year (e.g Math's 5º Grade & Math's 6º Grade), so it implies that the name of each subject is "Subject - Year ; e.g Maths 5º Grade"
    - I can not map the type of subject as the parent for the subject and therefore, when filtering there will be nonsense combinations (it would be possible to select "Non-mandatory" in the filter "Type of Subject" and select a mandatory subject in the filter "Subject")

2) Create combined list that combines school year and subject and use this as a parent of the SKU

Sku > Combined List > Type of subject

Can you help me understand what option better fits my problem? Are there other solutions?

Thank you so much for your time.


  • Hi versilva

    Would you mind providing more context? Wouldn't the property of the book be the subject? Why would the same SKU 5858595 roll up to more than one subject

    If the SKU has the subject as a line item against a module, then the Mandatory and Non Mandatory can work via a lookup and also function as a property. Here's a screenshot demonstrating that:

    and the mapping module:

    Not sure that this is entirely helpful, let me know what you think!

  • Hi Anirudh
    Thank you so much for your help and attention

    Trying to explain myself a little better:

    1) This are the relationships:

    - Each SKU roll up to : only one subject;
    only one school year
    only one type (mandatory or not)

    - Each Subject roll up to : multiple school years
    multiple types (mandatory or not), according to the school year as I wrote below

    - Each combination Subject - School year rolls up to only one type (Mandatory/Not mandatory)

    1) Wouldn't the property of the book be the subject?
    Are you suggesting I should define the subject using property instead of a parent child relation? Why would this work better?

    2) Why would the same SKU 5858595 roll up to more than one subject ?
    Indeed a SKU does not roll up to more than one subject

    3) If the SKU has the subject as a line item against a module, then the Mandatory and Non Mandatory can work via a lookup and also function as a property.

    My struggle is that if I do not have a parent child relationship when I want to filter by school year/subject and type(mandatory), there will be combinations that do not exist ( Math's + Non mandatory), which doesn't make sense for the analysis.

  • So for filtering via properties have you tried this kind of dropdown based filter? It does not require any specific style of hierarchy!

    Here is the view without any filters

    And if I filter on Math and 5th Grade

    Or filtering on all 3 properties

    Or do you need the change in hierarchy for reasons other than filtering