Problem by selecting Zone with my Export button on UX page


I have created a UX page, and I would like to add an export button in it. The export button should export :

  • Fixed unit of measure (here PAL or TO) : I would like 1 button for PAL and another one for TO
  • Flexible Country Zone : Depending of what it's filtered by the user

I succeed to do the first point, however I didn't succeed to do the second point..

Modules :

UX pages :

Can you help me ?




  • Venki9902
    edited June 2023

    Hi @WilliamVERHILLE ,

    Are you trying to achieve the exports in the same view?.
    Else can you try to create two export views(1 for pal and 1 for TO) and apply filter to it then create 2 export actions based on that will that work for you?


  • Hello Venki,

    Finally I have find the solution, yes I have made 2 export view, one with TO and the other one with PAL, and the most important thing, is that I have reselect the level to show, to delete the summaries.

    Now it works !

    Thanks !


  • Hi @WilliamVERHILLE ,

    Glad it worked for you :).
