Background Color Change

edited June 2023 in Academy Discussions

In an UX Banner page, on Grid card, how can we change different line items background color?


  • saket22

    That is possible through conditional formatting. Its a work around.

    There is no way (that I am aware of) to change the background color for each line item.

  • @shlokhan

    Yes it is possible with a combination of Conditional Formatting and under 'Card Configuration' in the new UX. To understand how the Conditional Formatting works, kindly visit

    And to understand on the 'Card Configuration 'Follow the below steps.

    1. Click the card that you want to edit
    2. Navigate to Format>Styles and you can find Column Headers, Row Headers & Data

    3) You can expand the section and find various color options to select from.

    4) You also can navigate to themes to see more colors for the line items & headers section.

    I hope it helps,


  • Thank you @anand.shekhawat