Level 1 Lesson 12.4.6 Not able to project months into FY (ie FY = 12 months)
In EMP02 when I apply my conditional
formatting, the module is not able to ID a Fiscal Year as 12 months and instead only show the total for the FY as 1 month (I checked to make sure that the value shown was 1/12th of the check work value.
Any guidance on how I can fix this issue, I'm a bit afraid to change the time scale in blueprint but I also don't necissarly think that would be the fix?
Best Answers
Ta Da! Exactly
The summary for the time also should be set exactly same as the main summary. It should look something like below
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Make sure you set the summary levels as asked in the training modules. Kindly change the summary levels only for those which are been asked to be as SUM. Kindly refer the course modules.
Hi @danapol
If I have understood your problem correctly. You can change the FY totals to the respective months by just clicking the dropdown in the selectors.
I have highlighted it in yellow.
But if you have selected the 'Time Scale' as Year, kindly select 'Month' for all the line items in the blueprint view. And then you would be able to select the respective months from the drop down
I hope it helps,
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Hi Anand,
Appreciate the response. So my issue is that my FY20 total is not tabulating correctly when I view the FY20 page in my pivot. Instead of showing the sum of all 12 months it's only showing the total for 1 month.
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Hi @danapol ,
Kindly check your summary levels in the blueprint view. It should be set to SUM to give you the total.
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So the summary for these should not be "closing balance"? this is what I have in my summary
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Thank you for your help this was great!