How can I sort the list members displayed on a dashboard?
I have a dashboard that displays employees from a numbered list, and I'd like to have it sorted alphabetically. What is the best way to do this? Can I do it in the dashboard custom view? Or do I need to add a sort in the module? I'm fine with it sorting ascending starting with the first name.
The employee are in a list C4 and are children of C3 (cost center) and C2 (balancing unit) which are in the filter grid above them. So the employees displayed are dependent on the values selected in the filter.
Best Answer
@ahoshor - follow up question, do you want this sorting behavior to be applied consistently across all pages/modules? If so, I'd recommend creating an "Order List" action. This allows you to alphabetically sort/reorder the list members which can be very impactful for usability.
Typically you will first need to create a property/system module for the list (if you haven't already done so) and include a text formatted line item which references the lists display name. That line item is then references in the order list action, screenshot example below to illustrate:
Check out the follow for more insights on how the Order list action can be used/configured:
If only seeking to sort a specific UX page without impacting the list order, you can apply a sort within the custom view:
@Tiffany.Rice thank you! Using the Order List action worked perfectly!