Not Able to Move My Page

I'm trying to publish My Page to the App but I don't have the option "Convert to an app page". It's meant to be the first option (from other people's screenshots), but mine doesn't exist. Also, I am a Page Builder too. Any ideas? I've tried everything and searched every 3 dot button


  • Hi @howard

    Usually, if you have full access to the model then it would allow you to choose the "convert to an app page" option.

    You will get this option after you open this page. If you are not getting this option, then it must have been disabled by the workspace owner/App administrator.

    Please check.

    Hope this helps!


    Puneeth HP

    Success is the Intersection of Dreams and Hardwork!

  • Thank you! I ended up logging out and back in and it updated my profile and now I see that option. Thanks