"Invalid name" error

Hi all

When I try to import into a list I receive the error "invalid name". Do you know where I can find the explanation of this error?

Thank you.

Pic attached.


  • Hi SAtrane, the explanation is there in your screenshot but a short one - Column "_Error_1_"

    Seems like 34 are updated correctly, but 112 failed. I can see a number of "Invalid name: COUETTE", you might want to check the Famille (List?) and see if there is a spelling mistake.

  • Reason is that Anaplan doesn't accept duplicate names (unless you are using numbered list with Display Name). It seems that you have multiple items with name COUETTE. Anaplan has created/updated item succesfully with first row with name COUETTE but raises errors with remaining rows as an item with name COUETTE exists in the list already.

  • @ uno online

    I think you should R\remove any leading or trailing spaces from the name you're importing, as they can cause the "invalid name" error.

  • richieb123
    edited February 2024

    That doesn't worked in my case @carmatec

  • @ SAtrane bob the robber One of the invalid reasons is that the name contains characters that are not allowed, the name is duplicated, or the name does not have correct syntax. Eliminate potential factors so you can log on to the list.

  • @Neyla have you gotten this one resolved?

  • Refer to this discussion - you might get your answer.