Meet Certified Master Anaplanner Jose Maya

edited August 2023 in Blog

Meet Jose Maya (@josemaya) — Certified Master Anaplanner and Business Intelligence Architect at LafargeHolcim in Australia. Jose has extensive experience in engineering, logistics, workplace health and safety, and teaching. He describes himself as intellectually curious and a creative thinker with a passion for management, productivity, quality, logistics, manufacturing, statistical data analysis, and process optimization.

We asked Jose to share with the Anaplan Community more about his Certified Master Anaplanner journey, the benefits of having a Certified Master Anaplanner in an organization, and more.

“The ‘How I Built It’ videos really give you content that inspires you. Some of those videos have inspired me and my team to do something new, to challenge ourselves and think about the great, creative ways we can overcome challenges in the organization." – Jose Maya

Tune in to hear more about Jose’s thoughts on the Certified Master Anaplanner program and benefits it has brought him. (Transcript also available below.)

If you have a story to share about your Anaplan journey, we would love to connect. Share in the comments below or contact us at


Meet more Anaplan Certified Master Anaplanners:


Share with us your Certified Master Anaplanner journey.

I’ve always had this natural interaction with mathematics, statistics, data. So, I’ve ended up doing a lot of this stuff in all the companies that I have worked for. Those skills have always been there — I think it comes natural to me. But there was the opportunity in my company for someone to be on the space of Anaplan. I thought, this has lots of potential.

The thought of having connected workbooks effectively… That's the way I saw it back then. That was very, very intriguing to me. I was very curious about getting into it and start doing it. What [Anaplan] brought to me was an immense world of possibilities. From early 2020 to now, it has definitely shaped my way of looking at planning and model leveraging to make decisions and see the future of the company.

How has becoming a Certified Master Anaplanner impacted your career journey?

I think internally, within my organization — visibility as well as gaining additional trust from my peers and my stakeholders. Externally, also visibility and being able to network with other people that are doing similar work. And even people that want to get into the Anaplan space that see that you have become [a Certified Master Anaplanner] and they are interested and asking questions. It really expanded that network. It's been an opportunity for me.

I think getting the skills to be able to manage stakeholders and interact with different people from different backgrounds has really improved my leadership skills as well as has allowed me to put myself out there.

Why is it important to have Certified Master Anaplanners involved in an organization?

Well, for one, the expertise. Expertise on the Anaplan platform and its capabilities and the understanding of how that can be used.

Of course, what you want to do with Anaplan, just in my view, is to really create that Connected Planning ecosystem. You want to orchestrate your processes; you want to make sure that whatever models use Anaplan talk to each other, and then you have true Connected Planning rather than siloed planning. And the Certified Master Anaplanner can actually achieve or help the organization achieve that.

There's also the opportunity for others to develop their skills in Anaplan, so I can create Anaplan talent within the organization. Leveraging knowledge of the way of Certified Master Anaplanners.

What do you see most valuable in being a Certified Master Anaplanner?

A couple of things that I really love about the materials that we produce are, for example, the ‘How I Built It’ videos. I love them, and I don’t know if all of them, but I know the majority of them are produced by Certified Master Anaplanners. They really give you content that inspires you. Some of those videos have inspired me and my team to do something new, to challenge ourselves and think about what are the great, creative ways we can overcome challenges in the organization. So that's just one that I love.

We do have also blogs about new functionality, so I always get excited about new functionality in Anaplan because for me it's been very clear from day one that Anaplan just goes up – just right up. The evolution is incredible.


  • @josemaya Impressive CMA account. Congratulations - and, thanks for sharing your story. Hope we see some of those statistical methods you mentioned! Be well.

  • @JaredDolich Thank you very much. Sure thing, good material for a How I built it video.