How I Built It: Dynamic month, quarter, and year filter


Hello Anaplanner Community! I’m excited to participate in the ‘How I Built It’ video series with a dynamic month, quarter, and year filter tutorial.

This video will walk you through how a dashboard can dynamically update time on all tables and charts. This enables multiple users to have different filters enabled on the same dashboard.

Key features:

  1. Users can choose if they would like to see months, quarters, years, or a combination of them.
  2. Allows multiple users to have different filters enabled using the same dashboard.
  3. The grid and chart updates in real time without requiring the use of the refresh button.

Check it out:

Questions about the video? Leave a comment!

Check out additional 'How I Built It' tutorials here.


About the Author:
Arjun Gandhi has been in the Anaplan ecosystem for 8+ years and 5+ years as a Certified Master Anaplanner. He is the co-founder at Tekplanit, an Anaplan Partner and has worked in dozens of industries and implementations across finance, supply chain, and sales.


  • Brilliant work here! It definitely simplifies time filtering for UX dashboards where I have seen other solutions involve quite a few complex steps. I am implementing this on some of our work already! Thank you for your contribution!

  • @JonFerneau Thank you! Also glad to hear that you are able to implement and use this at a client!

  • We use this same approach! Users love the ability to custom filter and compare relevant time slices ad hoc.

  • I have seen this requirement coming through in almost all projects. Thanks for sharing your work, @Agandhi!


    Adi Kotak

  • Me too, I have noticed this requirement appearing in almost all projects. Thanks for sharing your work. @Agandhi



  • Excellent stuff, here! It absolutely makes time filtering for UX dashboards less complicated, as I've seen other systems need a number of intricate procedures. I have already begun employing this in some of our projects. I appreciate your contribution.

  • I've been looking for something similar to this for some time, no pun intended, and it definitely solved my issue quickly and made it more robust. thanks for this instructional video and I'll pass it along to my coworkers!

  • I have applied the same filter but the way you have applied it is much easier and quicker. Thanks for sharing it

  • Kanishq17

    If we apply each individual filter criteria as an 'any' in the filter module , will it work the same way