Date not pulling through


I've got one module with data - timescale by quarter and 2 lines:

  1. Early repayment period - quarter format
  2. Early repayment date - date format

Then I've got another module, no timescale, with 2 lines:

  1. Early repayment period - quarter format - formula to link to the module above: C_Early Repayment Period.Early Repayment Period[SELECT: TIME.All Periods] - this is okay.
  2. Early repayment date - date format - formula to link to module above: C_Early Repayment Period.Early Repayment Date[SELECT: TIME.All Periods] - no data pulls through. I've tried changing the summary method to last non blank/first non blank etc, but this does not work

Can someone please assist?


Best Answer

  • anirudh
    Answer ✓

    It looks like you've set the summary method on the target line item!

    Can you apply this same summary in the source line item instead. The line item named Early Repayment Date in the module C_Early Repayment Period


  • anirudh
    edited September 2023

    Formula looks correct at first glance. Only thing I want to confirm is that if summary method of C_Early Repayment Period.Early Repayment Date is set to First/Last Non Blank?

    A screenshot (with no sensitive data displayed) would help!

  • Yes, have tried first non blank / last non blank, max nothing. Screenshot below,


  • Ah yes, I see now. I had the summary on the source for period, but not date!

    That's now worked, thank you!