Look up question

Hi team, I need assistance with pulling values from one module to another. As you can see, some of those fields are related (in the same color) so all I need is to pull the Opp # from Module 2 into Module 1:

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best Answers

  • anirudh
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    In Module 1 apply this formula to check that it's working:

    'Module 2'.'OPP #'[SUM: 'Module 2'.'Account ID', SUM: 'Module 2'.'Close Date', LOOKUP: 'Module 2'.'Close Date'

    The combination of SUM and LOOKUP is never recommended as it affects model performance. So if the above works, as a next step, create a new line item dimensioned by Day and Account ID and in that line apply:

    'Module 2'.'OPP #'[SUM: 'Module 2'.'Account ID', SUM: 'Module 2'.'Close Date']

    And then in Module 1 apply:

    New Line Item[LOOKUP: 'Module 1'.Close Date]

  • @sansergi

    In Module 1 create an Oppcode list formatted line item, and do a lookup with that line item.

    For your reference,"'Module2'.Opp#[LOOKUP: Oppcodelist]"

    Hope it works

  • Hello @Shiva Honnalli , What if Module 2 is a transactional data and has multiple occurrences of Account

    In that case, LOOKUP will not provide required result but SUM does.


