Add new line item to import action


Is there a way to add a new line item for a source module into an existing import action? I have created a new line item 'X' in both the source and the target module. The new line item 'X' appears as an option to map to in the target module when editing the action, but it doesn't appear in the source module list to select from.

How can I add the line item into the action for the source module? I have tried refreshing. Do I need to delete the action and create a new one?


Best Answer

  • Dikshant
    Answer ✓


    Add the line item in the source view as well and it will start appearing in the import action.

    Let me know if it still not shows!


  • I had already created a new action for this so I can't test it - but I did not update the export saved view that was in use to include the new line item, so your answer sounds correct and I understand where I went wrong now. Thanks!