Does anyone has sample Anaplan Batch Script for importing timestamp value in anaplan?


  • @cookie clicker: Set input file path and filename
    InputFile = "C:\data\timestamp_import.csv"

    Set Anaplan model and module information
    ModelName = "My Model"
    ModuleName = "My Module"
    ListName = "My List"

    Set date/time format for timestamp column
    DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

    Import timestamp values from CSV file
    File = InputFile
    Delimiter = ","
    SkipHeader = true

    Column "Timestamp"
    Type = DateTime
    Format = DateTimeFormatMap = ListName

    Validate and commit the import
    [/Anaplan Batch Script]

    This script assumes you have a CSV file named "timestamp_import.csv" with a column containing timestamp values. It sets the date/time format for the timestamp column, imports the data into the specified Anaplan model and module, and then validates and commits the import.

  • @Sarthak18

    This will work too. A lot will depend on the command prompt you use in terms of formatting the date. This method uses the command line using windows. Also shows how to do in Python.

  • @snow rider 3d

    :: Set Anaplan Connect directory
    set ANAPLAN_CONNECT_DIR=C:\path\to\anaplan-connect

    :: Set Anaplan credentials
    set ANAPLAN_PASS=your-password

    :: Set Anaplan workspace and model information
    set WORKSPACE_ID=your_workspace_id
    set MODEL_ID=your_model_id

    :: Set the import action and the file to be uploaded
    set IMPORT_ACTION=Import_Timestamp_Action
    set FILE_TO_IMPORT=timestamp.csv

    :: Generate the timestamp
    for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/: " %%d in ("%date% %time%") do (
    set timestamp=%%d-%%e-%%f %%g:%%h:%%i

    :: Create the CSV file with the timestamp value
    echo "Timestamp" > %FILE_TO_IMPORT%
    echo "%timestamp%" >> %FILE_TO_IMPORT%

    :: Run the Anaplan Connect script to import the CSV file
    call anaplan.bat -u %ANAPLAN_USER% -p %ANAPLAN_PASS% -workspace %WORKSPACE_ID% -model %MODEL_ID% -file %FILE_TO_IMPORT% -put %FILE_TO_IMPORT% -import %IMPORT_ACTION% -execute -output log.txt

    :: Clean up
    del %FILE_TO_IMPORT%

    @echo on

    • Set Variables:
      • ANAPLAN_CONNECT_DIR: Path to the Anaplan Connect directory.
      • ANAPLAN_USER and ANAPLAN_PASS: Your Anaplan credentials.
      • WORKSPACE_ID and MODEL_ID: The identifiers for your Anaplan workspace and model.
      • IMPORT_ACTION: The name of the import action in Anaplan that will handle the timestamp data.
      • FILE_TO_IMPORT: The CSV file that will contain the timestamp value.
    • Generate the Timestamp:
      • The script captures the current date and time, formats it, and saves it into a CSV file.
    • Run Anaplan Connect:
      • The script calls the Anaplan Connect utility, uploads the generated CSV file to Anaplan, and executes the specified import action.
    • Clean Up:
      • After the import is complete, the script deletes the temporary CSV file.