Level 1 lesson 10.2.6
Best Answer
Did you reload the data in SYS08 Employee Details after you changed the format for Country?
What are the formats of Department and Country in Employee Details?
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@rob_marshall for department it makes me choose E1 departments lists since its not allowing other formats and for country its text.
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Look at Country, the format is TEXT and should be list formatted. You can only do lookups on list formatted line items and Time.
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okay, but having changed the country format to list, it still shows the same,
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yes, thanks a ton it worked
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When you ask a question, please remember to mark the response as Answered…Also, I would caution you against marking responses as Rejected Answer as you did above as that is the true answer (a lookup can't be performed on a Text formatted line item).
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Oh I am sorry, i unknowingly must have marked that.