Conclusion of Level 2 Model Building DATA02 SKU Volumes module
I'm stuck in this . can anyone help me
from Level 1 FP&A module we have G3 and P3 SKU as dimnesions where is when importing from supply chain module it has different dimensions . how to import ?
supply chain module
if i use DATA 01 begining inventory module as data source , can you help me in fixing the import as i am getting lots of errors
1 ) which year to choose as the data is in FY19 and FY20
can i get help where i am making mistakes or how it is done or imported ?
Best Answer
Hello @Prithi,
As mentioned, Pls import Volumes from Supply chain model to FP&A model.
The below snapshot of your Supply chain model shows DATA modules but please make sure you have created Demand modules where you calculate Monthly Demand Forecast by SKU and Location.
Please find in your model something similar to below snapshot
Here, I used "DEM04 Demand Export" as my Source module
There are a few updates you can give a try.
Highlighted mapping to Column Header, and then go to the last line items tab and map Beginning Inventory to Volumes.
Also I feel your source module is incorrect. Ideally you must have a moduleDAT03 Historic Volume in Data Hub as well which has same dimensions to your module in SC Model.
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@Dikshant As you said I have tried importing from Histroic volumes. since the source module has model calendar FY20 , i will set the time to FY20 during import. it was successful but then it a error ; i have realised that bombay and mumbai has different names in location . so I thought of using code . so I have updated the line itmes in both FP&A and sc model with code and i have code to it as you see below and i try to import
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but the whole table is empty 😥
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Why the mapping is not successful with codes ? why there is no code seen in the mapping table when importing ?
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so i should change the time to FY21 ?
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And also as you see there is error in imports . data code getting ignored ; can you please help me in this fully ?