I want to create a list like below but every item in the list has 3 sizes eg 100g 200g 300g

for Eg Nutzo Bar 100g

Nutzo Bar 200g

Nutzo Bar 300g

Raising the Bar 100g

Raising the Bar 200g

Raising the Bar 300g …..

Best Answers

  • TristanS
    Answer ✓

    @SnehaPrabha there's multiple ways to address this and will really depend on your use cases. You may even end up implementing multiple configurations

    1. Add another hierarchy level that includes the size. Example hierarchy below
    • Chocolates
      • Nutzo Bar
        • Nutzo Bar 100g
        • Nutzo Bar 200g
        • Nutzo Bar 300g
      • Raising the Bar
        • Raising the Bar 100g
        • Raising the Bar 200g
        • Raising the Bar 200g

    2. Include the size as part of the product list and have the product name and size as attributes of that list item. Example hierarchy and module data below

    • Chocolates
      • Nutzo Bar 100g
      • Nutzo Bar 200g
      • Nutzo Bar 300g
      • Raising the Bar 100g
      • Raising the Bar 200g
      • Raising the Bar 200g

    List Item

    Flat Product


    Nutzo Bar 100g

    Nutzo Bar


    Nutzo Bar 200g

    Nutzo Bar


    Nutzo Bar 300g

    Nutzo Bar


    Raising the Bar 100g

    Raising the Bar


    Raising the Bar 200g

    Raising the Bar


    Raising the Bar 200g

    Raising the Bar


    3. Other variations of the list. Really depends on your use cases

    • Chocolates
      • 100g
        • Nutzo Bar 100g
        • Raising the Bar 100g
      • 200g
        • Nutzo Bar 200g
        • Raising the Bar 200g

  • Dikshant
    Answer ✓


    Create a subset in the size list, making sure you can dynamically add which size you want to attach to the products. Then create a module using Product x Size Subset and then do the concatenation to import it as a code in a new list.
