Quarterly Account Sales Revenue Targets

This data from here is impacting a lot of things and I am not sure if the % taken to distribute the Sales Target over the Quarters is the same as PY Account/ PY Country Product Family.

Help plx!

Best Answers

  • Dikshant
    edited January 2 Answer ✓

    @Csta, We need to divide the Initial Account Sales Target of that quarter by the Total Sales Target for the whole month to get the percentage. Try it out! Also it's mentioned in the notes to use LOOKUP function.

  • Csta
    Answer ✓

    @Dikshant Thanks, it makes sense actually.


  • Make sure your logic on 'TAR02 Account Review'.Final Sales Targets is working correctly and you have loaded the override Sales Target correctly is loaded correctly.

  • @dilkshant The Final Sales Target Seems fine as per the comparison with the example that was given.

    The Quarterly Distribution is what is confusing.

    I am taking this % for Distribution over the Quarters.

  • @Csta, Can you share the blueprint mode of the module TAR05 Quarterly Account Sales Revenue Targets.

  • Csta
    edited January 2

    @dilkshant here it is.

    I was able to figure many other things, ambiguities with the Qtr Percentage still persist.

  • @Csta, Can you try this formula for % of Account Sales Target line item:

    'TAR01 Detailed Sales Targets'.Initial Account Sales Target / 'TAR01 Detailed Sales Targets'.Initial Account Sales Target[LOOKUP: 'SYS99 Lookups'.Target Year]

  • It is pulling values from the QTR so we don't need the look up but the SUM for only A1 Accounts. @Dikshant