How to Bring in Value from Other Module

edited January 2024 in Modeling

Hey Everyone,

I've been working on Anaplan going on a year and still working to build on my modeling skills.

I ran into an issue with a live production module we have.

I have two modules I'm dealing looking at:

Module A - Dimensioned by tiers (Range for achievement bounds), E1(Employee list) subset on a component type and C2 ( components list) by a component subset. The component subset is named Annual Bonus.

Model B - Dimensioned by E1 and C2, both by their subset on Continuous Cumulative Component. Continuous Cumulative Component being a Boolean check to identify employees that changed to a similar role and will have keep both their rolling revenue from both roles and total combined quota of both roles. It's not truly Cumulative for quota, and more of a total annual quota across those specific roles changes.

In another module, I was able to pull in both and have a lookup by another property module's E1 line item to identify the person's rather than their role's revenue or quota. This worked fine but with the Model A I am able to reference the same calc as the successful module but only the Cumulative revenue works . Quota does enter in fine without error but it only provides a blank value. I should mention that quota is coming through from a line item that looks at annual quota. The revenue on the other hand takes a year to date value. Other than these differences, I'm not sure why it works in one module and not the other, or why it even excepts the lookup for the "Cumulative Quota" if it just shows blanks.

I can provide more information, but thought this might be something that would be a bit more obvious to an experienced builder. I've tried everything looking back between the 3 models and all the line items to see where the big differences are.

The only thing I can think of is that Model A has a 3rd dimensions: tiers, and the other 2 do not but then Cumulative revenue should not be working in that case. I also tried to play around with some test line items and make a quota line item as similar to the YTD Cumulative revenue.

This might be important as well but the applies to has been entered with the both quota and revenue line items in Model A even though they are the same as the dimensions of the model itself.

Thank you!!


  • @AdanAli It would be helpful if you share some Anaplan screenshots and showed both modules that you mentioned to get an idea of what is actually happening in the model along with it's formulas.
