Activity: Prepare Data Exports - comparing results to INV01 Inventory Ordering.csv


In the Level 2 Conclusion, Activity: Prepare Data Exports, Anaplan gives a csv to download and compare our results to.

Is anyone else having issues with their numbers tying out? After a lot of analysis, it seems the Weekly Order Schedule that I uploaded from the Level 2 Sprint 3 exam is not what should actually be loaded. Did I miss a step of downloading fresh data from Anaplan?

I also noticed there were a couple other variances randomly throughout the page but most notably for weeks 6 - 9 for both FY20 and FY21. Did I miss steps for override amounts? I have no override amounts currently for INV01 Inventory Ordering



  • Hello - can you clarify your question? Is your issue with the exam download or the export that's completed as part of the Prepare Data Exports activity?

  • Hi Ebonee,

    Thank you for your response. I guess my question is where did I go wrong or has anyone else seen this issue when completing Level 2 recently?

    At the end of the Prepare Data Exports activity, I downloaded the file they provide to compare my results from INV01. When I compare them, I noticed there was a major difference in my Weekly Order Schedule that I uploaded from Level 2 Sprint 3 exam. I had to do a lot of boolean corrections for "Submit Purchase Order Request?". After I updated that information to the closest I could get to the file they provided, I'm still off with the deltas showing in the picture above. I can't figure out if I missed a step or file to download. Do I really need to do all of this manually to try to get the right answer or is there a file from Level 2 that I missed uploading? I don't want to type in "Override Amount" in INV01 to tie out to the file they provided if I'm not supposed to do that.

  • The confusion for me is that these are 2 different actions. The Prepare Data Exports activity as part of the Level 2 Conclusion is an export of the Beginning Inventory and should match the screenshot provided in that activity or the download that's also linked there. The Weekly Order Schedule is an import of the Sumbit Purchase Order line-item clearing what checked Booleans you have there, and importing new True/False data for the Submit Purchase Order so you can answer the next question.