Workflow: No assignees


Currently building a workflow functionality. I have a Group Task that relates to creating a budget transfer request. This task is dependant on the user input, if a request amount is higher than current budget, we would notify the budget holder.

My question is: Is it possible to skip the task in the workflow if there are no assignees? At the moment seems that the workflow is failing.

Thanks for responses.

Kind regards,




  • Yes, it is possible to skip a task in the workflow if there are no assignees in Anaplan. You can achieve this by using conditional logic in your workflow design.

    Here's how you can approach it:

    1. Create a line item in your workflow module that checks if there are any assignees for the budget transfer request task. You can use a formula to count the number of assignees or check if the assignee field is empty.
    2. Add a condition in your workflow that checks the value of the line item created in step 1. If the line item indicates that there are no assignees (e.g., count of assignees is zero or the assignee field is empty), you can configure the workflow to skip the task and move to the next task or end the workflow.
    3. In the properties of the task, you can set the "Skip" option to "True" based on the condition mentioned in step 2. This will allow the workflow to skip the task when there are no assignees.
    4. If the condition is not met (i.e., there are assignees), the workflow will proceed with the task as usual.

    Here's an example of how you can set up the condition in the workflow:

    • Create a line item named "Has Assignees" with a formula that checks if there are assignees, such as:
      IF(COUNT(ASSIGNEES) > 0, "Yes", "No")
    • In the task properties, set the "Skip" option to a formula that references the "Has Assignees" line item:
      IF(ITEM("Has Assignees") = "No", True, False)

    This way, if the "Has Assignees" line item evaluates to "No" (indicating no assignees), the task will be skipped, and the workflow will move to the next task or end the workflow accordingly.

    By using conditional logic in your workflow design, you can handle scenarios where there are no assignees for a specific task and avoid workflow failures.