I need a help in formula
Country | State | District | Percentage Allocation | Values | Final Value |
502364 | 520647 | 521987 | 0.2 | 3417 | |
502364 | 520647 | 523378 | 0.123 | 3868 | |
502364 | 520647 | 527298 | 0.5 | 2659 | |
502364 | 520647 | 524982 | 0.02738 | 2413 | |
502364 | 520647 | 522518 | 0.14962 | 2687 | |
502364 | 502670 | 502672 | 0.235 | 3548 | |
502364 | 502670 | 502674 | 0.635 | 3047 | |
502364 | 502670 | 502679 | 0.13 | 2464 | |
502364 | 521942 | 525960 | 0.123 | 2971 | |
502364 | 521942 | 524941 | 0.14962 | 3215 | |
502364 | 521942 | 527308 | 0.235 | 3939 | |
502364 | 521942 | 526248 | 0.12837 | 3251 | |
502364 | 521942 | 525869 | 0.36401 | 3083 | |
502364 | 512135 | 512148 | 0.0947 | 3342 | |
502364 | 512135 | 512158 | 0.748 | 2547 | |
502364 | 512135 | 512187 | 0.0847 | 3032 | |
502364 | 512135 | 512180 | 0.0726 | 3894 | |
I need final value column to be calculated only when sum of percentages is equal to 1 for each state. As Each country is divided into states and into districts. The sum of percentage value is to be in equal to 1 for all districts when combined for state and it reverts for all country, and value is in Number and other are in text formats, can any one suggest with any idea to generate this condition
Best Answer
Try this out
Make sure State, Country and district are in list format
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