Filter non-zero rows based on Context Selector selection


I have a filter to filter out non-zero rows with the employees across to top as columns and a total colum for the LOB (Line of Business). I have set the hierarchy so I can select LOB A or LOB B from the context selector or All LOBs.

Employee 1 // Employee 2 // LOB A

Project A
Project B
Project C

The issue is that Anaplan asks me to select the Filter Context on the filter which I need to select as All LOBs but this means when I select a LOB from the context selector at the top of the page, it does not filter out the non-zero rows for this LOB , it only works on the All LOBs level. So if Employee 1 and 2 didn't work on Project C then it is still shown as Employee 3 or 4 in LOB B may have worked on it.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!



  • It would be better if you could show the dashboard screenshots as well, but what if you pivot the module or grid differently and keep both dimensions, which are, I guess, project and time, in rows and line items in columns? That way, you will only see the months where you have any data.

    If you keep them in rows and column, so for 1 project might not have data for that month but some other project has data for the same month, so anaplan will keep the month in the view.

    Let me know if this is what you're looking for?

  • kristenr
    edited March 2024

    @Dikshant - thanks - sent you a Pm

  • Can you share the filter applied to the grid?

  • Here is the blueprint -

    The formula in the Timesheet hours is

    'DAT02 Timesheet Data'.Hours[SUM: 'DAT02 Timesheet Data'.Month, SUM: 'DAT02 Timesheet Data'.Resource, SUM: 'DAT02 Timesheet Data'.Task ID Revised] * PD Staff Factor

    Thank you

  • Do not have a solution to this one yet if anyone can help out?

  • HI Kristenr,

    Please check the alignment dimensions in your view in the app,
    If your Resource List is Context selector, then you have to apply the filter on the Context selector by selecting filter option but not on the View in the grid of the UX.

  • @PujithaB - This is my UX page I want to filter Projects out that have zero value when I select a particular team.

  • Try to change this to —-current selection—- or something like that

  • Hi Kristener,

    From the App View , I have understood that department is in columns and you want to filter out Non Zero columns only . This means your filter lineitem should have only dimensions of Columns which is departments and Page Selector which is Time,
    Then Filter would workout without asking for ALL Lobs selection

    But Since you have your data at two different dimensions which is department and projects
    You have to place projects and departments on to the rows and time on the page selector and Lineitems on the Columns ,
    Then filter wont ask for selection and the filter lineitem will work out for filtering
