Create an item using form with DCA on UX



This is my dashboard :

When I check the "M?" boolean, the "Type de reconduction" become editable, because I used a DCA on it.

The problem is, now that im using a DCA, I am no longer able to use the Create action button ( green one ), im getting the error "Failed to create item" :

anyone has a solution for this ? I need the line item to be editable only when M? is checked, and I need to be able to create directly from the UX.

Counting on your help.



  • Dikshant

    Can you share what your list looks like ? Does it have a top level. Do you have access to the list? Give yourself all write access via DCA and still you can't create the item?

  • SofianeLz

    Yes the list is a numbered list, and it does have a top level.

    This is what the list looks like.
    I am workspace administrator, I have all access.
    The only problem is when I want to create a new item using an action button via form, but it doesn't work due to the DCA on there line item.

  • Amaya


    I think the Form action is executable only to Create ITEM.
    If "Type de reconduction" is required to be entered on the form, the error will occur.
    It seems to me that it should be a two-step process, where the action only creates the ITEM, and the input to the Line item is done on the Worksheet.

    I hope this helps.


  • SofianeLz

    It does help me of course.

    But then, If I use this method of a 2 process, how can I have a DCA on the line item, to make it editable only when the "M?" Boolean is checked ?

  • Amaya

    Thank you for your confirmation.
    The current DCA is fine, no need to change it.

    1. First, please add a numbered list item using Form with no input.
    2. Then check the box on the worksheet and input the text

    1. No input form

    2. Input text in worksheet

    I think it will work here, but I am sorry if I did not understand your intent correctly.


  • SofianeLz

    It is exactly what I finally have done.
    I thank you a lot for your answer, it is ensuring me that I did the right choice.

    Thanks @Amaya