How to change code of a list?


Requirement has come to change the codes of existing lists in the Production model without losing data. Please suggest.


Best Answer

  • PujithaB
    Answer ✓

    HI @Vamsi_Kaki
    In that case we need to do the following steps

    Create a system module.
    1.First store old Code and Old Name in the system Module by running an import to have a backup for future reference.
    2. Then get a mapping with Old Code to New Code and New Name from the stakeholders.
    3.Then load New Code and New Name to the system module using Old Code Mapping
    4.Create a property such as New Code and New name in the list and
    5.Next Run an import from system module to List to import New Code and New name to the Property Created by mapping with old Code.
    6.Then run an import from Sys module to list by mapping new code to code and use combination of properties for mapping.
    7.At the end delete the extra properties created

    Let me know if this works out.


  • PujithaB

    Hi @Vamsi_Kaki
    Is the list code used for Unique ID mapping

  • Yes @PujithaB, Code is the unique identifier in the mappings of the import action.

  • Dikshant

    Existing List Codes:

    Create a new line item (New Code) in system module

    Create an import action that updates the code based on the name.

    Saved View:

    Import Action:

    Run it once you populate the mapping

    And boom - Code updated!

    Let me know if you see any challenges with this approach. Let's discuss!