Account+Review+CYW+Scenario - Mexico values not matching the scrrenshot - L3 certification
Hello Anaplan community,
I am currently working on User story 1.7 - 1.10 (Under section 8 of Sprint 1) and after building the country and segment distribution module, I noticed the values were not matching only for Mexico country.While investigating on this issue I noticed that the "Override" Boolean is checked but with no override Sales target value for "Vicecandy".
Please let know if there is a new file that I need to upload or if you can cater the new "Override Sales Target" value for Vicecandy.
Thank you,
Best Answer
Please let know if there is a new file that I need to upload or if you can cater the new "Override Sales Target" value for Vicecandy. - Nothing as such
Check the Final Sales Target Values in TAR02 Account Review Module.1
Thank you @SriNitya ! This helped me find the answer! Thank you for the quick help.