Import Failure

edited April 3 in Modeling



Any help here?


After selecting department as sales, still '82' are Ignored

Additional info

Supply chain -

FP&A model, level-1 -

Best Answers

  • SriNitya
    Answer ✓

    While importing data from one module to another module make sure that you always select the child items/ lowest levels and deselect the summary items because after import the data gets auto populated to parent items as in case summary method is enabled.

  • SriNitya
    Answer ✓

    In case time dimension also select only the lowest level that is Months only remove the Time summaries from saved view.
    In save view keep Departments, Location and time in Rows line item in columns and make sure you remove summaries of the dimension.
    You can use Fixed Line item or column headers for line item mapping.
    Hope it helps.
